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Showing records 481 through 510.

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The Pastor and Prayer

9/2/2021 Dr. William Downing  Matthew 6:5-14 

Royal Lament pt.2

8/29/2021 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 1:17-25 

The Superior Ministry of Christ pt.4

8/29/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 8:1-5 

Final Justice pt.2

8/25/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 

A Royal Lament pt. 1

8/22/2021 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 1:17-27 

Final Justice pt.1

8/18/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 

David's Reaction to the news of Saul's Death

8/15/2021 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 1:11-16 

The Praise of the Wicked and the Justice of God

8/11/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:10 

News of Saul's Death and the Subtle Temptation to Evil

8/8/2021 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 1:1-16 

The Superior Ministry of Jesus Christ pt. 1

8/8/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 8:1-5 

Wisdom and Authority pt.4

8/4/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:9 

The Tragedy of King Saul

8/1/2021 Mike Orlicky  Selected Scriptures 

Wisdom and Authority pt.3

7/28/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:2-8 

The Blessing of Gratitude

7/25/2021 Mike Orlicky  1 Samuel 31:11-13 

Jesus Superior Priesthood pt.3

7/25/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:26-28 

Wisdom and Authority pt.2

7/21/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:1-8 

Jesus the Superior Priest pt.2

7/18/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:20-28 

Wisdom and Authority pt.1

7/14/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 8:1-8 

The Tragic Consequences of Idolatry

7/11/2021 Mike Orlicky  1 Samuel 31:7-10 

Jesus the Superior Priest pt. 1

7/11/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:20-28 

Jesus Superior Priesthood pt.2

7/4/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:18-19 

The Depravity of Man

6/30/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 7:24-29 

Saul's Unfaithfulness and Jonathan's Faithfulness

6/27/2021 Mike Orlicky  1 Samuel 31:4-6 

Jesus' Superior Priesthood pt.1

6/27/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:18-19 

The Strength of Wisdom

6/23/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 7:19-22 

Jesus Superior to Aaron pt.3

6/20/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:15-17 

A Balanced Approach to Life and God pt.2

6/16/2021 Mike Orlicky  Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 

The Tragic End of King Saul pt. 1

6/13/2021 Mike Orlicky  I Samuel 31:1-6 

Jesus Superior to Aaron pt.2

6/13/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:11-14 

Jesus Superior to Aaron pt.1

6/13/2021 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 7:11-4 

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Showing records 481 through 510.