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Showing records 31 through 60.

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Dealing with Backsliding pt.2

10/6/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 13 

The Servant of the Gospel pt.1

10/6/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:28-29 

Jesus cautions his disciples pt.2

10/2/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20:45-49 

Christ in You

9/29/2024 Mike Orlicky  Col. 1:26-27 

Jesus Cautions his Disciples pt. 1

9/24/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20: 45-49 

Dealing with Backsliding pt.1

9/22/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 13 

The Ministry of the Gospel pt.2

9/22/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:24-29 

8 Pillars of a Christian Contender pt.4

9/21/2024 Ibrahim Ag Mohamed  The book of Jude 

Prayer and Fasting

9/20/2024 Samuel Rai  Isaiah 58:6-9 

8 Pillars of a Christian Contender pt. 3

9/20/2024 Ibrahim Ag Mohamed  The book of Jude 

The Authority of Prayer

9/20/2024 Samuel Rai  Exodus 17:8-14 

8 Pillars of a Christian Contender pt.2

9/19/2024 Ibrahim Ag Mohamed  The Book of Jude 

The Practical Life of Prayer

9/19/2024 Samuel Rai  Acts 16:25-26 

8 Pillars of a Christian Contender pt.1

9/19/2024 Ibrahim Ag Mohamend  The Book of Jude 

Spiritual Heritage

9/15/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 12:1-47 

The Ministry of the Gospel pt.1

9/15/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:24-29 

Jesus Questions the Religious Leaders

9/11/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20:41-44 

Repopulating. Jerusalem

9/8/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 11:1-36 

A Theology of Reconciliation

9/8/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:21-24 

The Supremacy of Christ in Redemption pt.2

9/1/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:15-20 

The Saducees and the Resurrection

8/28/2024 Michael Orlicky  Luke 20:27-40 

The Sure Covenant

8/25/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 10:1-39 

The Supremacy of Christ over Redemption pt.1

8/25/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:15-20 

Render to Caesar

8/21/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20:19-26 

The Promise of the People

8/18/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 9:32-38 

The Supremacy of Christ in Creation pt.2

8/18/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:15-20 

The Prophetic Parable of the Wicked Tennants pt.2

8/14/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20:9-18 

The Prayer of the People pt.5

8/11/2024 Mike Orlicky  Nehemiah 9:5-31 

The Supremacy of Christ in Creation pt.1

8/11/2024 Mike Orlicky  Colossians 1:15-17 

The Prophetic Parable of the Wicked Tennants pt.1

8/7/2024 Mike Orlicky  Luke 20:9-18 

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Showing records 31 through 60.