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Showing records 211 through 240.

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The Fate of Jerusalem

6/28/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:34-35 

The Contentment of Barzillai

6/25/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 19:31-39 

The Testimony of Faith

6/25/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:39-40 

Jesus message to his enemies

6/21/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:31-33 

The Trials of Faith pt.3

6/18/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 35b-38 

The Narrow Door

6/14/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:22-30 

Live Boldly for Jesus Christ

6/11/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Timothy 1:8-10 

The Trials of Faith pt.2

6/4/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:35b-38 

The Pervasive Growth of the Kingdom

5/31/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:18-21 

Mephibosheth's Vindication

5/28/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 19:24-30 

The Trials of Faith pt.1

5/28/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:35b-38 

Healing on the Sabbath

5/24/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:10-17 

Shimei's Cofession

5/21/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 19:16-23 

The Triumph of Faith pt. 3

5/21/2023 MIke Orlicky  Hebrews 11:33-35a 

Repent or Perish pt. 2

5/17/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:1-9 

The Invitation of Two Women

5/14/2023 Mike Orlicky  Proverbs 9:1-6,13-18 

Repent or Perish pt. 1

5/10/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 13:1-9 

Restoring the King

5/7/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 19:9-15 

The Triumph of Faith pt.2

5/7/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:33-35a 

Settle your debt Now!

5/3/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 12:57-59 

David's Inordinate Grief

4/30/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 19:1-8 

Triumphant Faith pt. 1

4/30/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:33-35a 

The Necessity of Discerning the Times

4/26/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 12:54-56 

David's Lament

4/23/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 18:19-33 

The Callings and Comforts of Faith

4/23/2023 Mike Orlicky  Hebrews 11:31 

Reality of Family Division

4/19/2023 Mike Orlicky  Luke 12:51-52 

Absalom's Death

4/16/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 18:9-18 

The Character of Rahab

4/16/2023 MIKe Orlicky  Hebrews 11:31 

The Defeat of Absalom's Army

4/9/2023 Mike Orlicky  2 Samuel 18:1-8 

The Blessings of the Resurrection

4/9/2023 Mike Orlicky  Selected Scriptures 

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Showing records 211 through 240.